Research article


J.Yazdanov1, N. Kuchkarova1, A. Shokhakimova1 , V.Otakuzieva2, S.Turabzhanov1, L.S Rakhimova1, B.Karshiev 3.

Online First: December 07, 2022

Based on furfural, diphenyloxide, polyethylene polyamine with 1:1:0.5 molar ratio respectively were obtained polymer matrix of ion exchanger at the temperature 90-100oC, during 3 hours. For creating pore into the polymer intensively added glucose which dissolved in the medium of DMFA as a poragent 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% total amount of initial monomers respectively. Chemical mechanism of obtaining polycondensation type ion exchanger showed three-dimensional structure, due to the used suitable catalyst ZnCl2. Polymer exposed to sulfonation at the temperature 70oC in 95% H2SO4 during 6 hours. Porosity properties were investigated experimentally according Brauner-Emmit-Teller equation by isotherm of sorption benzole and water vapor. FT-IR analysis revealed NH-, -NH2, -SO3H, C=C, and C-H bonds in the ion exchanger. Results of elemental analyses by SEM showed 4,2-4,5 ω(E)% nitrogen atoms and 0,8-1,0 ω(E)% sulfur atoms exist into ion exchanger granules. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that at the 400oC weight loss 23.56%, at the 500 oC to 55.13% and 67.51% at the 600oC. The sorption properties in static condition determined 0.1N solutions of NaCl, CaCl2, MgSO4 and HCl, NaOH at the temperature 25oC.


macroporosity, ion exchange, polycondensation, mechanism reaction, metal ions