Research article


Mrs. SanabamLinthoingambi Devi1, Dr. C.Susila2

Online First: December 07, 2022

Cesarean section is becoming a common surgical procedure and there is a tendency for both veterinarians and their clients to regard it as routine. Objective:This study assess the knowledge and perception regarding cesarean section and also determine the association between the knowledge and perception with their demographic variable. Methodology:This study used a cross sectional descriptive study and study is carried out in Rohilkhand College of Nursing ,Bareilly, U.P. Subjects were selected by using non probability convenient sampling sampling technique. A structure questionnaire and a checklist regarding cesarean section was used for data collection. The version 26 of SPSS (statistical package for Social Sciences)was used for the analysis of the data. Result: Among 100 sample 90% of the students have moderate knowledge and 10% have adequate knowledge of cesarean section. As it also concerns the perceptions of cesarean section, 20 students have good perception and 80 students have average perception of cesarean section. And it found an association between level of perception and family history of cesarean section have a significant statistical relationship (p<0.05). Conclusion: The present study deals with assessing the knowledge and perception of final year nursing students regarding cesarean section in Rohilkhand college of Nursing, Bareilly Uttarpradesh. Thus, it was concluded that the students have a moderate knowledge and had average perceptions regarding cesarean section.


knowledge,perception, Nursinsg student, cesarean section