Research article


Kapil Aggarwal

Online First: December 30, 2022

In recent years, we have seen a range of technological revolutions, including the shift from the analog world to the digital world as well as the transition from centralized wired solutions to ubiquitous dispersed wireless solutions. One of these shifts is the transition away from the analog world and toward the digital one. In particular, the creation of small-scale and open standard stacks, as well as the introduction of low-cost and low-power transceivers, have paved the way for the development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The use of these networks has been swiftly adopted by a wide variety of monitoring applications, including those used in homes and offices as well as industrial monitoring applications. The adoption of cloud services, which are hardware and software frameworks that are flexible and powerful and that can provide computing as a service, has the potential to make it possible to successfully control the very large amount of information that is created as a result of this process. There is a great deal of versatility in the applications that can be found for wireless sensor networks. These applications may be improved even further by establishing a connection between their local wireless sensor network and the internet. Examined as well are the technologies that are used in the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as the many communication levels that comprise the IoT and the operation of each of these layers. Based on the results, it seems that Internet of Things devices may be susceptible to a wide variety of software and hardware vulnerabilities in addition to the difficulties that are inherently associated with the IoT. The finished product has shown that it is a reliable, useable, and scalable system. Following the completion of this study and the proposal of a new framework for WSN integration with the paradigm of cloud computing, the current WSN will be linked to the recommended framework. IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are the three deployment layers that are deployed to serve customer requests, whether they come from the library or elsewhere. The integration controller unit, which links the technology of cloud computing to the sensor network, is a component of the design that is suggested. This technology has several desirable characteristics, including flexibility, availability, and dependability. The Internet of Simple sensors enables Internet of Things devices to process and automate a wide variety of laborious chores that may be found in the home and business.


Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Layers, Cloud Services