Research article


Serikbayeva A.T.1, Akimzhanov D.Sh.2, Kaspakbayev Y.M. 1, Karagoishin Zh. 2, Shynybekov M.K.1, Iskakova Zh.A.1, Baitanayev O.A. 1

Online First: December 16, 2022

The article deals with issues of hunting grounds’ typification by using GIS technologies. In the research work performed the comprehensive study of mammals’ biological diversity with typology of their habitats. The study of the spatial distribution of rare animal species, including predatory mammals, by using the typology of their habitats, was based on GIS technologies in specially protected natural territories of Kazakhstan, including the Andasai State Natural (Zoological) nature reserve, and in the Ile-Alatau State Natural Park. According to the results of project and survey works, we have based the division of territories into different types of animal habitats (land) on ecological conditions, relief and soil-plant features. For the first time, materials of the hunting grounds’ typology with allocation of their types, with quantitative indicators of each of them, were obtained for use in hunting planning. As a result, a division map of the Andasai Nature Reserve and the Aksai branch of the Ile-Alatau National Natural Park was made in GIS format for the land types that were not previously separated. Based on the decryption results, planning and cartographic materials with types of hunting grounds have been developed with the actual area of the natural nature reserve. These materials can be used to streamline biotechnical and hunting activities carried out in the Andasai Nature Reserve and in the Ile-Alatau State National Nature Park, including further security optimization.


typology, GIS technology, biodiversity, hunting grounds, Andasai Nature Reserve, biotopes, Ile-Alatau State National Natural Park