Research article


Dr. Nitanjali Patil, Dr. R. P. Patange*, Dr.(Mrs) Vaishali R. Mohite, Dr. S.V. Kakade

Online First: November 21, 2022

Introduction : Since at least 1990 Institute of Medicine (IOM) last revised recommendations for BMI and weight gain during pregnancy and gestational weight gain (GWG) are associated with the outcome of pregnancy. A large body links with high pre pregnancy BMI may leads to fetal and maternal complications, like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, macrosomia, fetal death, , and complicated deliveries GWG has also been thoroughly studied as a predictor of adverse pregnancy outcomes, mainly because of the belief that it is potentially modifiable after conception. Low gain is associated with birth of a small-for-gestational age (SGA) infant. Research studies have shown there is association with maternal Body Mass Index for women with underweight women and obsess women . as obsess women has increased the duration of labor and the rate of cesarean section. Materials and Methods- The present study has conducted at Maternity unit of Krishna Hospital and Medical Research Centre , Karad. Prospective research design with purposive sampling technique. Woman willing to participate with singleton pregnancy without any medical and obstetrical complications were enrolled in the study. The present study was accredited by the Ethics Committee of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed to be University Karad. Succinctly prepared questionnaire, meetings and medical records were used to collect data. Written informed consent was obtained from study participants after explaining the purpose of the study. Data Analysis - Data were analyzed by using the SPSS 20 version. Results were reported as mean ± SD, ‘𝑡’ test and p values were used. Result: Increased age (29 years & above ) of antenatal woman is associated with LBW. Mean ±SD for NBW 23.86±3.067 and Mean± SD for LBW 24.38±3.747 ‘t’ Value-6.517 and p value- 0.0001 indicates as age is associated with LBW. Height of the mother is not significantly associated with birth weight of baby ‘t’ value-1.487 and p value-0.1435. Weight of mother is significantly associated with birth weight of baby. t’ value 13.508 and p value -0.0010 suggest that weight of mother is significantly associated with birth weight of baby. BMI of women was significantly associated with birth weight of new born as Chi-square=96.354, P value= 0.0001 indicates antenatal women who were underweight according to their BMI shows significantly high proportion of LBW. There is increased risk of operative delivery like lower segmental cesarean section in both the groups. CONCLUSION: Increased age, Weight of mother and BMI at the time of birth was significantly associated with birth weight of new born. BMI (Obese group) has shown significantly high proportion lower segmental cesarean section in both the groups.


Birth weight, Body Mass Index, Impact, obesity, Outcome of labour, cesarean section