Research article


Begzod Khudoyberdievich Khodjaev

Online First: November 11, 2022

The intensity of process self-consciousness among future lecturers, along with the benefits that modern technologies bring, is accompanied by an increase in current challenges and threats, unprecedented in their depth and scale. Unfortunately, quite often a person is not able to effectively, constructively use modern technologies in the practice of his own and professional activities, which determine the high importance of the formation of general cultural competence as a personal construct that is formed under the influence of technological activity and allows the individual to successfully, implement this activity. The aim of the study was the theoretical substantiation and experimental testing of the methodology for the formation of general technical competence of future teachers of vocational training. In the process of achieving this aim, a number of research tasks were consistently solved. First of all, at the initial stage of the study, modern scientific approaches to the definition of educational competence were analyzed, which allows us to define the category under study as a complex personal construct, a complex of personal qualities, properties, abilities of the individual, which is formed under the influence of the characteristics of the technological development of society and allows the individual to successfully turn on, integrate, to implement this activity, competence is a component of the general professional competence of the individual. In the structure of general technical competence, one can conditionally single out motivational, cognitive-content, activity components, each of which includes a combination of personal and professional qualities. Consequently, the impact on a person in order to develop the qualities and properties underlying these components will correspond to an increase in the level of formation of general technological competence.


future lecturer, educational process, national self-consciousness of students, self-awareness, pedagogical conditions for preparing students, pedagogical conditions