Research article

Using Nanocellulose as Ibuprofen Delivery System

Sujjad Hassan Hadi 1 and Alaa K. H. Al-Khalaf 2

Online First: November 08, 2022

The preparation of green organic nanomaterials is one of the newly adopted methods in the fields of sustainable environmental health. This paper aims to use nanocellulose produced from laboratory starch, in reduce the medicine released in simulation conditions of the human body. A Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to identify the structure of starch and their nanocellulose. The presence of nanocellulose structure was confirmed by FTIR spectra, which detected many functional groups such as (-OH) wide (3100-3600 cm-1), (C-H) (2800-3000 cm-1), (C-H) symmetric bending (1400 cm-1), and (C–O–C) stretching (856 cm-1), The primary distinctive peaks were found in the fingerprint region of the absorption band (856 cm-1), which is attributed to the stretching of the (C-O-C) group at β-(1→4)-glycosidic connections. Atomic force microscopy showed nanoscale of prepared nanocellulose, but with significant nature and low surface roughness, were confirmed by showing the mean diameter (21.8 nm) whereas, an arithmetic mean height (17.08 nm). When using nanocellulose in an adsorption of Ibuprofen, from resulting the mean diameter increased to limits (71.3) instead of (21.8 nm) for nanocellulose alone, accompanied by a noticeable decrease in roughness and increased in mean height to reach (179.7 nm). The difference was clear with the variation of surface roughness parameters produced after adsorption with Ibuprofen. It is noted that prepared nanocellulose deviated in its values with Ibuprofen by leaving nanoscale, which may be attributed to chemical structure of Ibuprofen.


Environmental Health, Ibuprofen Delivery System, Nanocellulose