Research article

The effect of plant and animal wastes and zeolites on boron adsorption in different soils textures

Riyadh S. Bedeeh1, Mohammed A. Abdulkareem2 and Salwa J. Fakir2

Online First: November 08, 2022

The experiment was conducted in the laboratories of the College of Agriculture, University of Basrah at different Soils of Basrah Province, southern Iraq, to study the effect of organic materials and zeolites on boron adsorption. zeolite was added at levels of (0, 20, 40) ton.ha-1, cow manure and plant residues was added at levels of (0, 25, 50) ton.ha-1and biochar was added at levels of (0, 15, 30) ton.ha-1. soil was wetted at field capacity moisture and incubated at 30°C for a period of 15 days. Boron was added to the soil at levels of 10, 20, 40 μg.g-1 soil in the presence of CaCl2.2H2O 0.1M salt and the soil was agitated for three periods (1, 24, 48) hs. The equilibrium concepts tested the Isothermal of adsorption equations (Langmuir, Freundlich). The results showed that the Freundlich equation was more efficient in describing the boron adsorption according to the values of the determination coefficient (R2), which gave the highest value of 0.999. While, zeolite and biochar were excelled in adsorption of boron compared to other materials. The amount of adsorbed boron increased with increasing the levels of boron and added materials for soil.


organic residues, Isothermal models, Boron adsorption, zeolites