Research article

Description of dog flea, Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) (Siphonoptera: Pulicidae) from Erbil Governorate -Kurdistan Region –Iraq

Nabeel A. Mawlood1* and Abbas M. Faraj2

Online First: November 08, 2022

The present study includes a detailed description of dog flea, Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis, 1826) as ectoparasites infesting sheep. The specimens were collected during February to July 2021 from different localities at Erbil Governorate Kurdistan Region – Iraq. The species identified according to same diagnosed characters, wingless and bilaterally compressed. The genal comb consists of 7-8 spines. The antennae are short, nearly club like, and consist of multiarticulate segments positioned in antennal fossae. Pronotal comb consists of a row of 16-17 spines. Hind legs long, strong and adapted for leaping, dorsal margins bear 6-7 short-long spines, hind tibia lacks an outer apical tooth. The habitus of male and female with important parts were photographed. Some ecological data such as geographical distribution and date of collection were also mentioned.


Description; Ctenocephalides canis; Siphonoptera, Pulicidae; Iraq.